The Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) was established on April 13, 2006 by decree of the Chancellor of UPI number 2145/J33/PP.03.02/2006 concerning the Opening of the Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program at the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus.
The first teacher education institution established in Tasikmalaya after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was the State Assisted Teacher School (SGB) in 1951 located on Jalan Wiratanuningrat (now SMPN 4 Kota Tasikmalaya). Then it was moved to Jalan Dadaha No. 18 City of Tasikmalaya which is now the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus. SGB is a junior high school level that accepts elementary school graduates to study for 4 (four) years. Graduates can be appointed as elementary school teachers.
In 1956 a State Senior High School (SGA) was established at the SMA level. SGA accepts SMP and SGB graduates (selectively). The length of SGA education is 3 (three) years and graduates can be appointed as junior high school teachers (SMP, ST, SMEP and SGB).
At the end of 1961 SGB was disbanded, then elementary school teachers were promoted to SGA graduates. In early 1964 SGA was transformed into the Tasikmalaya State Teacher Education School (SPG) to prepare prospective elementary school teachers.
On December 30, 1989, the government through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0854/O/1989 stipulates Diploma II (D-II) level as compulsory education for elementary school teachers.
After that, the authority to organize the education of prospective elementary school teachers was handed over from the Directorate General of Basic and Secondary Education to the Directorate General of Higher Education. The Minister of Education and Culture issued Decree Number: 0116/O/1991, dated March 15, 1991 concerning the Transfer of State SPG and SGO to the Elementary School Teacher Education Program (PGSD) at the Teaching and Education Institute and the Faculty of Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) State University . This decision was followed up by joint decisions of the Director General of Higher Education and the Director General of Basic Education dated June 6, 1991, respectively Numbers: 1825/D/T/1991 and 3931/C/I/1991 concerning Changes to SPG/SGO which were integrated into LPTK within the framework of the DII program. PGSD. Furthermore, the Director General of Higher Education issued Decree Number: 400b/DIKTI/Kep/1992, dated August 20, 1992 concerning the Establishment of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Programs at 31 Public Educational Institutions.
With these series of policies, SPGN Tasikmalaya changed its status to become a Program Implementing Unit (UPP) so that its name became the PGSD Program of the Faculty of Education (FIP) Teaching and Education Institute (IKIP) UPP Tasikmalaya Bandung led by the Head of the Program. Since then, most of the qualified teachers have switched status to become lecturers at FIP IKIP Bandung and their educational staff. The number of lecturers who experienced a status transition from teacher to lecturer was 30 people. The UPP Tasikmalaya PGSD D-II program was successively led by Drs. H. Abdul Rojak (1991-1994) which was then continued by Drs. H. Didi Sutardi, M.A (1994-2002) until the leadership of Drs. Yusuf Suryana, M.Pd. (2002-2006). However, starting in 1999, along with the transition from the status of the Bandung IKIP to the Indonesian Education University (UPI) through Presidential Decree no. 124 of 1999, UPP Tasikmalaya changed its status to UPI Tasikmalaya Campus which was led by the Director. Thus, the PGSD D-II Study Program became the only study program under the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus before the Kindergarten Teacher Education D-II Study Program (PGTK) was established in 2002.
In 2002/2003 UPI Tasikmalaya Campus began to open the Position PGSD Undergraduate Program which was intended for elementary school teachers who would improve their educational qualifications. This study program is led by Drs. Edi Sukmana, M.A (2002-2006).
Starting from the 2006/2007 academic year, the PGSD D-II study program was not reopened in line with the opening of the regular PGSD undergraduate program in that academic year. The PGSD Regular Undergraduate Program was opened through UPI Chancellor Decree Number 2145/J33/PP.03.02/2006 as well as operational permits that have been extended through UPI Chancellor Decree Number 7712/UN40/DT/2011. The PGSD Undergraduate Study Program was then led by Drs. Rustono WS, M.Pd. (2006-2015), Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah, S.Si., S.E., M.Pd. for the 2015-2019 period, and now Dr. Dian Indihadi, M.Pd. (2019-present)
Throughout its history, the PGSD Study Program has been accredited three times. The first accreditation was carried out in 2006 for the D-II PGSD program with a rating of "B" based on the decision of the BAN PT Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 004/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/Dpl-II/VI/2006. The second accreditation was carried out for the PGSD Undergraduate program in 2013 with a “C” rating based on BAN PT Decree No.010/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XV/S/I/2013. The third accreditation was carried out in 2017 with an “A” rating based on BAN PT Decree Number: 4736/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2017.