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Implementation of the Judiciary Session of Thesis

On August 15, 2023, a judicial thesis session was held, attended by PGSD students from class of 2019 who took part in the session on August 14, 2023. The Yudisium for this period was carried out after the thesis trial examination which was held in the UPI auditorium room, Tasikmalaya Campus. In this graduation period, approximately 9 PGSD lecturers were accompanied, including the head of study program Dr. Ghullam Hamdu M.Pd, Dr. Dian Indihadi, Muhammad Rijal Muharom M.Pd, Pidi Mohammad Setiadi M.Pd, Dr. Seni Apriliya M.Pd, Ika Fitri Apriani M.Pd, Srie Mulyati S.Pd M.Pd, and Dr. Karlimah M.Pd