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Join publication with a team from Malaysia

Join publication is a form of collaboration carried out between the UPI PGSD study program, Tasikmalaya Campus and the University of Technology Mara Malaysia (UiTM) which was carried out in the Internet of Things (IoT) room at the Indonesian Education University, Tasikmalaya Campus, which was attended by the Chair of the PGSD Undergraduate Study Program, Mr. Dr. Ghullam Hamdu, M.Pd., secretary of the S1 and S2 PGSD Study Program, Mrs. Dr. Seni Apriliya, M.Pd., PGSD lecturers and Prof. Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris, M.Ed., PhD., Dr. Hamimah Hashim and Dr. Ahmad Zulfadhli Khairuddin. In the discussion session, each lecturer from each representative field of expertise (KBK) presented a draft article that would be published in a Malaysian journal. The draft articles of each representative were reviewed jointly by a team of lecturers from UiTM. Next, the draft article will be revised and collected for publication in the specified journal.