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Signing of the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus research grant contract

The UPI Tasikmalaya Campus research and service funding grant has been announced and around ten lecturers have passed the selection to receive the grant. The follow-up to receiving this grant was the signing of the grant contract by each head of research and attended directly by the director of the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus, Prof. Dr. Heri Yusuf Muslihin, M.Pd., Deputy Director for Student Affairs Dr. Lutfi Nur, M.Pd., UPI director's meeting room, Tasikmalaya Campus. Before signing the grant contract, each head researcher explains the output that will be achieved in each research and service carried out. One of the outputs is hoped to be a Sinta 1 or Scopus article to support the University's IKU. The activity ended with a group photo of all the grant-recipient lecturers.